"The Wheel" is a mini-game where players can spin a colorful wheel for a chance to win various rewards. Each spin costs 1 GOLD and the rewards are varied (random) and enticing.
- Jackpot of 100 GOLD - The ultimate prize.
- X - It means you get nothing, so try again.
- 2 GOLD - A modest return, giving the player a small win.
- 25 GOLD - A substantial prize, offering a solid boost to the player's wealth.
- Fruit - A delicious reward, which can be fed to your Bun.
- Random Seed Fruit - A random seed, which can be planted in your SankoPets Farm.
- Headwear - A stylish and unique headwear, which can be worn by your Bun to increase its stats.
- Weapon - A valuable addition to the Bun’s equipment.
Testimonial from Sanko Players: